15% discount when taking part in 2 programs
Repository of the Sacred
Daoist alchemy for women
The understanding of the Daoist concept of Spiritual repository (Dong Shen Bu) will provide you with the support you need on the path to development.
Millions of people around the world engage in Daoist practices, yet just a few manage to achieve the full potential inherent in these practices. To be among them, you need to clearly assess your capabilities at different stages of your development. In other words, starting to practise, you should clearly realize both the benefits of the practice and the disadvantages it brings, and most importantly, you should learn to respect the irrationality of the practice and accept your own inability to understand it immediately.
The correct perception of irrationality helps to cleanse the practice of unnecessary aspects, which is also called ‘Purification of the turbid’. This is a natural process, where ‘turbid’ refers not only to the harmful, but also to the unknown, which easily creates vagueness, resulting from unclear concepts.Understanding this is vital forbuilding the practical path: if we do not achieve clarity in our concepts, then we will not advance in our practice.
All Daoist practices must develop the Shen energy and help you findyourSpiritual repository. The problem, however, is that people often do not understand what the Jing and Shen energies are, they don’t know how to distinguish between them, which means theyonly have a very schematic perception of the concepts, and cannotdevelop in their practice. If your practice develops only the temporary qi energy, this willprevent you from understanding the development algorithm of the Shen energy.
The questionsabout what fills us and the kind of energy we develop areamong the most difficult questions in Daoist alchemy. The practice actually begins when most initial conditions have beencreated, and the mind, energy and body are ready for real changes.
Understanding and creating these changes will be the focus of the Spiritual Repository program.
Blocks of the program
Part 1: Great Peace. Attunement of the True Body
Attunement of the True Body is a practice aimed at organizing the female mind, energy and body. It helps create the effort used for solving practical tasks.
The Attunement of the True Body is an important tool for both organizing the practical path for women and understanding the principles underlying development.
Part 1. The veneration of Heaven and Earth
The attitude towards the balance of Heaven is the attitude towards the tonality of our nature. This is a ritualized form that allows one to be in tune with the macrocosm, and to fulfil the tasks of perceiving it. Just like Heaven and Earth bring order to our nature, our own attitude to order helps structure our mind. In fact, the veneration of Heaven and Earth is a practical effort aimed at ordering our mind. This is a ritual of honouring the higher mind, or the mind of the Big Dipper.
Part 1. Unblocking the True Body
Unlocking the True Body is a complex concept involving the processes of recovery, attunement, and development. Unless we unblock the body, we cannot save energy, which means that during our development, the energy will not be accumulated, but will be spent. Unblocking requires the restructuring and regulation of all processes in the woman’s body, which affect the female mentality, body condition and energy circulation.
Part 1. Harmonization of the True Body
Harmonization of the True Body is related to the properties of balance. This effort is understood as the interplay of Yin and Yang, and it forms the core of the True Maiden state aimed at conceiving the immortal embryo. Without harmonization, we can’t achieve real balance in the body or harmonize the true essence in the chest.
Harmonization is a prerequisite for kindling and maintaining the correct fire (hohou) necessary for the preparation and maturation of elixirs. It is also vital for the ripening of the embryo, which is the goal of the Art of the Pure Virgin, as well as forthe ‘embryonic breathing’, which does not require additional effort but is a completely natural process with women.
Part 2: Repository of the Sacred. Daoist Female Practices: Where to begin
‘Daoist female practices’is an expression often used to represent certain Daoist movements under the guise of ‘The female path’. Actually, this is simply associated with certain women who have reached the peakon their path of practical improvement. In fact, there are no special female Daoist practices, but there are systems of exercises for women and men that lead to a certain level and certain states.
Part 2. Personal code
The personal code is a timeless phenomenon offered to our body, mind and energy by space, time and place. The personal code must be comprehended practically so that we can know it, master it, improve it, and even, if necessary, change it.
Part 2. Fulfilment of the True Body
The Fulfilment of the True Body is related to the needs of the woman on her path. Fulfilment requires constant practice with the goal of nourishing the body. The choice of the practice used for achieving Fulfilment of the True Body varies depending on the tasks, the state of the practitioner and her level. This choice is based on the principles of nourishment of the Body of Movement, the Body of Rest and the Body of Concentration, and it is also linked to the concept of energy conservation.
Part 2. Teachings ofthePure Maiden
Practicing is the path to connecting Yin and Yang. To master this practice, we must consider the ways to setting up this connection, as well as the possibilities of extending life, so as not to disrupt or interrupt the process of practical development. To make sure our practice helps generate energy, we need to unite with the practice, and regulate it in relation to Heaven and Earth. If we do not understand how the practice creates a unity within us, we can never master the practice and will sooner or later give it up.
Part 2. Concentration of the True Maiden
The Concentration of the True Maiden is a special practical meditative process leading to an understanding of the structure of the path. This is an important part of the practical work towards understanding the method for female development. This process attunes the mind and sets it on the path.
Part 2. Breathing of the True Maiden
The Breathing of the True Maiden is the natural accumulation of energy linked to the status of the practitioner. It is a manifestation of the special status of women, which is inherent by nature, that must be maintained and linked to the practice. The Breath of the True Maiden is that unique characteristic that makes women alchemists. The potential for internal transformation of energy,although it has its limitations, is inherent in female nature. It must be developed and improved, because without it we cannot move on to deep inner work.
Part 2. Purification of the Mundane
Purification of the turbid is an important concept with practical applications. An approach that does not take into account any hindrances and disturbances on the woman’s path and simply hopes the practice will have a purely mechanical formal influence, will rather increase the turbidity and will not clarify either the development criteria or the difficulties encountered on the path. Purifying the turbid is a gradual process of transformation associated with one’s reactions, behaviour, communication, and inner hygiene. It involves three levels of purification: purification of the turbid in the body, energy and mind.
Part 2. Teachings of the Purple Butterfly
The fan, according to the teachings of the Shangqing School of Higher Purity, is a symbol of change and good luck, i.e. the capability for inner change. The Teachings of the Purple Butterfly is the art of freeing yourself from time or the art of collecting the jing energy with the help of a fan.
For more information
+359 89221-58-24,+359 98884-94-85, info@inbi.bg
Bulgaria, Sofia, Park Hotel MOSKVA
Pay attention
Discounts when visiting one of the programs:
- “Daoist Alchemy for Women. Spiritual Repository” 20—29 December
- “The Daoist Body” 3—15 January
- “Postulate of the Red Talisman” 17—20 January