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The Nature of Perfection

The Nature of Perfection

The nature of perfection is inherent in a person from the moment of birth. It is the consciousness that represents the egregore of perfection. Every spiritual tradition has an egregore, or energy field, that radiates light waves of a certain frequency. This egregore expresses the nature of the higher consciousness, which is projected onto the nature of the individual. The search for this connection is perfection.

By following a certain tradition, by engaging consciously in one practice or another, we somehow connect to the field of higher consciousness, to its luminosity. This means accepting, comprehending, and manifesting the essence of the tradition of perfection. Perfection of the self is the highest attribute and tradition of human existence. The nature of perfection represents the higher nature whose light we can perceive consciously at the highest plane of our development and state.

Our microcosmos is represented by twelve types of light, which are divided according to temporal and timeless principles. They differ in their molecular bonds, which are characterized by a certain light, the angle of energy twisting, or the position of the light wave.

Since ancient times, consciousness has been divided into lower egregors (totems) and higher ones (celestial nomes, which in ancient times resonated with human consciousness and over time became the object and task of perfection).

Each characteristic of perfection is actually an egregore with its own wave, tension, and depth of penetration that creates a different light intensity. Totemic consciousness egregors are weaker, though temporarily more effective and perceptible. They emit waves in solid, liquid, and gaseous environments, which then gradually subside. Nomes, on the other hand, transform each wave and create an internal force. When totemic and nominal waves interact, they form transitional egregors where the planes of earth and sky intertwine. On this is built what is called tradition-the conditions of interaction, assimilation, and guidance.

The nature of perfection from a light perspective is illumination, where energy is transmitted through a wave and light consciousness is formed. True practice creates the same directional flow of particles with the help of our consciousness, which is capable of emitting light. The ability to perceive this light within us leads to a rational understanding of the irrational, meaning that it takes us beyond temporal physics. Then higher space can be reflected in us, and we reflect the higher realm.

Thus, the space of perfection is a volume that we can only make sense of in the process of development when we have attained the ability to interact with that space. At the level of light, interaction with the nature of perfection, with the consciousness of perfection, is the highest form of molecular communication available to us in temporal space.

Although it is difficult to achieve absolute perfection in the temporal nature, we can focus on the process of nurturing and establishing this perfection, which allows us to cultivate additional power and interact with the higher fields. Or at least it allows us to accept that such interaction is possible, and the basis of this contact is our inner light.

Oleg Cherne

19 October 2021

Channel “Alchemy”

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