Smart People

Smart people are a class of people who exist in the process and who do not shy away. Smart people are able to rely on the plane of their own existence and they can plan their actions three steps ahead, so to speak. Smart people are never swayed by hassle and confusion, they never allow any opportunity for the activation or nurturing of anxiety, which naturally turns into fear.
Smart people perceive only what they direct their attention to. They do not impose their views on others, they can rely on and find support in their own reason and, most importantly, in their own harmony. This is why a smart person is a person who has achieved inner harmony. Smart people care about what they can say to themselves, they can listen and hear themselves. This distinguishes them from the stupid ones, who, not being able to hear themselves, barely listen to others. Therefore, ‘stupid’ equals ‘not harmonious’.
Note, however, that by denouncing someone as stupid and reacting to stupidity, many who consider themselves smart are simply hiding their stupidity. One cannot live for something and in the name of something without being able to bring balance to everything, including oneself. Living for and not against is already enough to help you to renounce all that is unnecessary, so that you can avoid absorbing anything unnecessary within, thus forming an uncontrollable reality for yourself. Smart people rely on the reality they exist in, the reality they understand, and not on a reality that pulls them apart, a reality they cannot understand.
Smart people do not believe they are better than the others, yet they do not follow the lead of anyone or anything that does not meet their spiritual and mental needs. These spiritual and mental needs are important for smart people because they help them maintain their higher nature and higher reality. It is important for smart people to work on these spiritual and mental needs.
The prerequisite for existing as a smart person is the ability to operate with one’s mind, the ability to maintain the highest settings. To attune yourself to low settings is to accept these low settings within, slipping into a life in another reality – a reality which, in fact, does not exist. Smart people do not live in a fictional, imaginary world (not even a world invented by themselves). And if they have not found true reality, they are in constant search for it.
Therefore, the greatest peril is to exist not in a world you have defined for yourself, but to slip up into a reactionary state.
1 June 2022