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Remarks on development

Remarks on development

A few remarks on current development issues, which I can discuss from the perspective of my 45-year practice experience and after 40 years of teaching people.

First, what I consider to be real development. Development is the activity that nourishes the brain, increases concentration and, as a result, develops the operational capabilities of the brain.

Actually, this is what people search when they engage in various practices, or rather, should engage, because it is impossible to develop the brain without a special diet, without maintaining your body and, most importantly, without keeping focused on the task of comprehending what leads to development. We must also note that it is dangerous to simplify the concepts that express and describe the idea of ​​development.

We must also note that there is a group of practitioners who were already born with a more focused and therefore a better developed brain than others. This is a group of people with special abilities who, consequently, have their own limitations too.

In general, human development today is divided into four categories:

  1. Egregor. The surrounding field drives this person towards something or, conversely, blocks his activity.
  2. Conscious, or conditionally conscious. In this case, the practitioner relies on his postnatal essence. In these circumstances, understanding often differs from the experience of the understood.
  3. Unconscious-prenatal. When the spirit of the person compels him to search.
  4. Mixed. In this case, all three of the above forms are mixed.

All four categories are shaped by certain internal and external factors associated with the rhythm and cycles of life. They are also correlated with experience, which divides people into two types: those who do something with themselves and have a history, and those who have no experience and, therefore, are in no position to conduct a comparative analysis.

The first type actually realizes that it is necessary to finally do something, and not just do (which is usually associated with lack of mental discipline). The efficiency or inefficiency of the path depends on this.

The second type is focused on finding their own preferred option. Usually today this is where things end. Some of these people look for something cheap (which typically means they do not value knowledge), while others, on the contrary, look for something expensive (following the idea that good things are worth a lot of money). Neither type can value quality until they gain the necessary experience to be able to compare and analyze, therefore neither can be considered as engaged in development. For them, development is like going shopping.

CHOM (Oleg Cherne)

10 February 2022

Channel “Alchemy”

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