Oracle Consciousness
An oracle is a phenomenon characterized by a particular shape, geometry, and frequency of consciousness that gives rise to specific psychic, energetic, and physical connections in consciousness. These connections lead to the development of various brain functions through which oracular attunement and focus are achieved. The state of the oracle implies a mirror awareness that arises from the very capacities of the oracle’s consciousness.
In ancient times, the oracle as status was associated with certain actions (rhythm), a person, or a place (egregiousness). The oracle had high energy spiritual power, i.e. when it was a person, they had a certain attunement and ability to operate their brain, and when it was a place, this geometric platform (a cave or geological formation) had the ability to amplify high-frequency flow connections.
The oracle embodies multiple functions — of the soothsayer, the diviner, the psychic, the medium. The foundation of this is a specific state of consciousness, which is reached with the help of special attunement and preparation of the brain. The mind of the oracle is not easily perceived. The main secret here lies in the specific operating system of the oracle’s consciousness and the transmission and perception of information transmitted through a channel open to the medium.
Knowledge of the oracle system manifests in different eras in different cultures in the form of different skills and forms of communication with space. Such examples are the Japanese sangaku tiles with drawings of geometric theorems; the Ori system of Yoruba; the Scandinavian runes; the tarot cards, etc.
Most important, however, is oracular consciousness. Thanks to transcendental perception, it became the basis of knowledge of the subtle world in ancient Greek culture, giving rise to a whole layer of ancient myth and legend. This consciousness leans on higher realities and is an instrument of attunement, connections, and insights.
Blocks of the program
Oracular Consciousness
Oracular consciousness is a specific type of perception capable of penetrating different forms of consciousness, macrocosmic fields, or types of geometric (crystalline) spirituality. Oracular consciousness enables the formation of a particular kind of relationship that creates a connection to the subtle planes of being.
Oracle consciousness brings a higher and deeper meaning to human existence. It is devoid of contradictions, and its nature is set by a certain kind of tension. The oracular consciousness is directed only towards higher vibrations which remain mystical and incomprehensible to most people.
This consciousness is associated with a setting that did not originally rely on thinking (as did the ancient Greek consciousness itself, even more so the ancient Egyptian), but in time it began to overlap with the operating system in some cases.
This consciousness has the ability to penetrate the essence of things and the nature of diverse bodies. It creates a different perception of spirituality, and its vehicle can be the human brain, the higher consciousness, or even a cave or a crystal.
The Orphic Oracle
What is unique about Orphism lies not in the phenomenon itself (which is, in fact, eternal), but in its manifestation thanks to Pythagoras, in whose ideas the concept of an oracle is associated with the ability to penetrate the essence of phenomena. Thus, Pythagoras penetrates into the understanding of Apollo, and through him arrives at the function of the oracle. In other words, the oracle is a function for which a mediator is necessary (such a role is played by Apollo, who is the patron of oracles among the Greeks).
Until the moment of personification of the oracle, there is a way of interacting with this phenomenon that is a mystery (like the Elysian mysteries), i.e. a specific state of interacting with space or spaces.
Such is the Orphic space formed under the influence of various hymns that could hang in space, and the vibration created in a certain way existed in space as an ether. And when this was no longer possible because of the change in the energy of space, the need for hermeticism arose, which is why today the Orphic oracle must be seen in the context of hermeticism.
The Valknut Symbol
The Valknut symbol is a key to interpreting the runes. It is a resonator that reveals the nature of higher consciousness. With its help, we can penetrate into different forms of space and organize the work of the brain. It is a symbol of the operating system of consciousness. The power of the valknut symbol lies in the art of unification, which makes it possible to penetrate different spaces. It represents the knot that is associated with the highest state of being – that which exists eternally.
Consciousness of the African Oracle (Babalawo-Oshumore)
- The Hand of Ifa – Orunmila
Possibility of receiving the Hand of Orunmila — connection to the cosmic consciousness of Ifa-Sis or Isefa.
Ālea iacta est (the die is cast, Latin) represents a special energetic message and a special type of attunement. It enables us to make the right choices and create the conditions for the irreversibility of what is happening. Achieving the energy of Orunmila, connection with the higher vibrations of the world, with the vibrations of higher consciousness.
Knowledge of the special irrational organization of relationships in rational material understanding has long made it possible to harmonize personal destiny. It is a true method of bringing order to our individual consciousness. The harmonization of consciousness (ori) is the primordial process for the improvement of human life.
- The vessels of Olodu
The vessels of Olodu are matrices of 12 consciousnesses and 4 streams.
- Personal relationship with the Oracle
Personal Ori Consciousness. Defining the personal relationship with the macrocosm is a specific process related to the ideas of the ceremony of awofaka, Mano de Orula, and ikofafun (male and female hand participation). This is a specific form of initiation, of making a connection with our own integral field (orisha).
Apu-Qun-Tiqsi-Wiraqucha, or simply Viracocha, is both a rational and irrational concept in Andean culture. In personified form, Viracocha is worshipped by the peoples of pre-Columbian America as the creator of the world (especially in the territory of modern Peru).
Viracocha is a form of attunement to light and at the same time represents light itself. It is seen as both a supreme process of creation and as a perfect form that includes the nature of the perfect human. Viracocha also embodies the process of creating substance from the sunlight, which, according to tradition, is kept on the island of the sun in Lake Titicaca. This substance endows consciousness with a special worldview.
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