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The oracle is a phenomenon characterized by a consciousness with a specific shape, geometry and frequency, which leads to the formation of special mental, energetic and physical connections in the mind. These connections develop different functions in the brain and a specific oracle alignment and focus. Oracles have a mirror-like awareness emanating from the abilities of their mind.

In ancient times oracle status was ascribed to certain actions (rhythm), people or places (egregore). Oracles have high spiritual power, and if the oracle is a person, they have a special alignment and ability to operate with their brain. Oracle places, on the other hand, are specific geometric platforms (a cave or a geological formation) that can enhance streaming high-frequency connections.

Oracle minds can penetrate into the essence of things and bodies. The qualities of the oracle are associated with the brain, the human spirit, a higher mind or even a cave or a crystal, and they can create a new perception of the spiritual.

The oracle can have a number of functions – from the fortuneteller, or the psychic, to the medium. Yet all of these are centered around a certain state of mind, which is achieved through a special alignment and preparation of the brain. The oracle mind is a hard to grasp concept.

The oracle mind brings a higher and deeper meaning to human existence from the perspective of prediction and brain development. The oracle mind is synonymous to developing the brain. Although the role of the oracle is closely linked to fortune telling, from the viewpoint of development, it is much more important to understand the principle underlying oracle abilities. The main secret here lies in the special operating system of the oracle mind which broadcasts and absorbs information transmitted through a channel open to the medium.

Knowledge of the oracle system was manifested at different times in many cultures in the form of various abilities and types of communication with the universe. These include Japanese sangaku tablets with drawings of geometric theorems; the Ori system of the Yoruba; Scandinavian runes; Tarot cards, etc.

Through transcendental perception, the Oracle mind laid the foundation for the knowledge of the subtle world in ancient Greek culture, which created a whole layer of our ancient legacy: myths and legends that reveal a totally different reality. The oracle mind reflects a higher reality and serves as a tool for alignment, connection and insight.

Oracle is a concept associated with the three-dimensional perception of our consciousness. It is a certain form of mentality that takes into account both rational thinking and irrational nature. Linear perception cannot lead to an understanding of the oracle; it is impossible and even harmful to apply to it definitions stemming from the inability to perceive the efforts and features of the brain that form oracle thinking. The oracle is associated with: developing the operating system of the brain, studying the nature of flows and, most importantly, the language of symbols.

The oracle mind has the ability to unravel and perceive various forms of consciousness, macrocosmic fields, various types of geometric and crystalline spirituality. The oracle mind allows you to create special connections with the subtle planes of being.

The oracle mind is free from contradictions, it has a certain type of tension and is aimed exclusively at the highest vibrations, which remain mystical and incomprehensible to most people.

The alignment of the oracle mind did not initially rely on thinking (which was also the case with the ancient Greek mind or even the ancient Egyptian mind), but over time, in a number of cases, it began to intersect with the operating system and became a type of thinking – oracle thinking.

Gleb Du (Oleg Cherne)

23 November 2021

Channel “Alchemy”