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Development criteria

Criterios del desarrollo

Development is a profound concept denoting an unlimited process. It involves an increase in conscious effort, which determines not only the possibility or impossibility of being on the path of cognition, but also the formation of the conditions for maintaining a given direction of actions. Development begins when a person has created the necessary conditions that provide them with the opportunity to control that which develops them, i.e., they have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge.

Development is based on a scheme, a method. The method is the fundamental condition of the art of learning as it determines the meaningfulness of the process. Meaningful development is crucial as it allows the person to maintain a constant effort of self-discipline, and develop the ability to hold and implement a certain task.

The development effort or process should always be more important than any specific development goals. This is vital for the analysis of your actions and, most importantly, for the continuation of growth, which predetermines the algorithm of unlimited development.

There is no development unless the brain and consciousness (basic human qualities) are developed, therefore, the development process should follow clear guidelines and criteria for improving a person’s physical, energetic and mental properties.

Development is a need, a human function; it is not a temporary process based on desires and reactions. Development is a condition and an opportunity to immerse oneself in the experience of the infinite.

Oleg Cherne

24 October 2021

Channel “Alchemy”


  • Jie Kong. The Hermit

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