Artificial intelligence, hello!

What is artificial intelligence? A misunderstanding of the intellect? The very fact that such a term exists indicates a general lack of understanding of the essence of intelligence. Intelligence involves thinking and a changing effort resulting from the comprehension of a certain issue. Therefore, intelligence cannot be artificial, and what is called with this term today is not intelligence at all. A set of phrases put together cannot be considered intelligence.
Of course, in the modern world, where humanity has not developed the art of thought to a level of constancy, anyone can define intelligence in any way. However, when we communicate with computer bots or people-bots (people with limited comprehension abilities) we not only cannot delegate thought to someone, we cannot even delegate it to ourselves!
Indeed, we can talk about artificial consciousness whenever there is an ability to determine, yet this can be done only conditionally, as the ability to listen is also necessary. We can say that, to a certain degree, artificial consciousness is typical for those who talk all the time, repeating thought forms they do not understand themselves. This is linked to the formation of neural networks with limited functions, which include such definitions. Thus, humanity has already computerized itself and has turned into a bot. Once we start communicating with the help of smartphone memes, or posing behind the chessboard, we become the owners of artificial consciousness. So, like, what? What, like, how? How, like, are you doing? – It sucks? – Why? – Why not?
Thus, you become a person with artificial intelligence who has no idea what the word ‘intelligence’ truly means. How (and with who) can you really talk about intelligence if nobody understands what intelligence is? Intelligence exists only where it is constantly studied. And this is the prerequisite for the formation of neural networks.
Diversity of thought is linked to comprehension and focus, not to a set of words following an algorithm. Looking smart is what modern intelligence is about. Even chess cannot help in this case. Chess players do not look smart, they seem focused. And nine out of ten speakers simply spew gibberish and chew over what someone or something has put in their mouths. Before you open your mouth, you must be able to understand and experience what you are about to broadcast.
1 June 2023